
PHP5 + Apache2.2 + MySQL5 Installation issue solved

I have tried many ways to get this working.

When install PHP5 + Apache2.2 + MySQL5, it shows that MySQL extension can not be loaded.

I followed every instruction to enable the extension in PHP.ini and point the Extension_dir to the right directory (ex. C:\PHP\ext). I also add the right model in Apache2.2 conf file to load the PHP5.

PHP5 is unable to find the libmysql.dll and related MySQL extension. According to new PHP5 installation manual, you simply add your PHP5 installation path to the windows environment variables. Even you add your PHP5 installation path to the windows PATH environment variable, it still doesn't work.

Solution 1:
Copy libmysql.dll to your Windows System32 folder and restart your Apache2.2.

Warnning: This is not an ideal ways to solve the issues. You will run into situation that you need copy more dll to System32 folder. It is a night maire to upgrade the future versioin of PHP.

Solution 2:
After you set the PATH environment and restart your computer, it should just work without copying files to System32 folder. This is the reason, why it doesn't work.

Apache does not update the PATH environment until you reboot the server.
After you set the PATH environment variable, turn PHPINFO() and see if the Apache Environment variable is updated with the new path variable. If not, you will need to reboot the machine.

Problem solved! It's as simple as rebooting the machine.

MySQL Administrator :: server service or the configuration file could not be found

After install MySQL Administrator GUI tool, it is possible that you run into the error like the following when you login into the tool.

The solution is simple. Try login to the server without the login and password.

Remove the username and password and press control key. The "Cancel" button turns into a "Skip" button.

Press Skip and it will take you to the interface that you can manage and make correction to the config file. In most of the case, the default ini file is pointing to my.cnf. Change it to my.ini.

Problem solved!

Unable to Install WIndows Live Writer on XP SP3

I was using Windows Live Writer for sometime on XP SP2. After installing SP3, many programs stop working. One of them is the Windows Live Writer. I keep getting Windows Installer error and Windows Live Setup service errors in the event log.

It seems that when running Windows XP SP3 many people are having issues installing windows live applications using the windows live installer. After much googling I have come across a solution. This also solves issues that exist with the windows update service after installing SP3.

Essentially what you need to do is:

1. Download and run the Windows Live Installer Cleanup tool from:

2. Reboot

3. Click START>Run and type 'command' to load the console.

4. Type in:

regsvr32 wups2.dll

and press enter.

5. Type exit to leave the console

6. Download and run the windows live installer, it should now work perfectly.