
iPhone Google Active Sync Stop working - Keep asking password

iPhone Google Active Sync keep asking to enter correct password. There is chance that the Captcha is locked. To unlock it visit the following site and enter the correct Google account.

Zenith DTT900 Digital-To-Analog Converter For Remote Control

To use the Zenith remote control to turn on the TV, press the "Power TV" button and keep pressing. Then press "Ch. Up" or "Ch. Down" button on the right. Zenith will send "manufacturing code" to your TV. Once the TV turns on/off (do this little slowly), then you're set to use the same Zenith remote for both TV and the converter box.


Use These Ten Sales Copy Approaches To Beef Up Your Online Sales


These 10 secret methods will work for you and hopefully improve your conversions and profits.

1. The "Blast From The Past" Approach
The "if you order today, you will also receive all the past (bonuses or products) that I've previously removed..." approach tells potential customers that in the past you removed some things from your offer that they would never have had the chance to get until now. It could be older products, articles, reports, software, courses, content, etc.

2. The "Bought Everything" Approach
The "like you, I've bought products from everywhere imaginable and they still didn't work..." approach tells potential customers that you know that they have likely bought a lot of products from all sorts of places which never lived up to their claims. You could mention they may have bought them from infomercials, catalogs, the Internet, seminars, etc. You can say that after all those horrible experiences, you finally decided to develop a product that actually works.

3. The "A Bonus Date" Approach
The "special bonus just added! (date) (time)..." approach tells potential customers that you recently added a new bonus to your offer. It may excite them that it has just been added because they will be one of the first to get it. You could even tell them the date your next new bonus will be added. They will assume they will keep getting new bonuses as a paid customer.

4. The "Buyer Advantage" Approach
The "all my paid customers get told about my new product releases before my regular prospects...." approach tells potential customers that if they become a paid customer, they will get a chance to benefit from your new product releases before everyone else. You could give your paid customers another perk, like being the first to join your new affiliate program for the new products you release.

5. The "Buy A Bio" Approach
The "I'll reveal more about my past with you when you become a customer..." approach tells potential customers that they can learn more personal and professional things about you when they purchase your product. You could have a partial bio on your web site and a full bio sent with their product package or on your thank you page. Many people become curious about your whole life and history when they decide to purchase something from you.

6. The "Inside The Mind" Approach
The "go inside the mind of successful people that have (your product's benefit)..." approach tells potential customers that you will give them the mental instructions for using and gaining their desired benefit with your product. You could mention they will learn the habits, attitudes, beliefs, mindsets, emotions, etc. of other people that have been successful with your product. You could just interview these people and compile it into an information product.

7. The "Bed Of Nails" Approach
The "I'd rather lie on a bed of nails than not have (your product's benefit)..." approach tells potential customers now that you know what it's like to have your desired benefit with your own product or one from someone else, you would do almost anything not to go back to the way it was. You could explain the emotions you used to have, the problems that you experienced, the way if affected people around you, etc. Other descriptions of torture are: walking over glass, needles shoved under your finger nails, lying on hot coals, etc.

8. The "Back You Up" Approach
The "bonus: you'll get a back up copy shipped to you..." approach tells potential customers that you will give them a physical back up copy of your digital product that they normally just download. Tell them it will save them the time and frustration of re-downloading it if their computer crashes, if they get a destructive virus, if they accidentally delete it, etc. Tell them to hurry because you only produced so many copies.

9. The "My Favorite" Approach
The "my favorite food is..." approach tells potential customers that you are revealing some fun, personal information about yourself that is unrelated to your product. It will lighten up your sales letter or pitch so people might rest their buying defenses for a few minutes. It could be your favorite color, TV show, movie, music, joke, heroes, drink, place to vacation, quotes, vehicle, book, dream item, etc.

10. The "Normal Than Usual" Approach
The "the normal commission is $(no.) per sale but if you join the affiliate program through this link, you'll get ($) per sale..." approach tells potential customers that you made a deal with the product owner to give your audience a higher commission than normal on his affiliate program. Of course, the owner could give you second tier commissions for telling your prospects about it. It's a win/win deal for everyone involved.

Marketing ides

Source: Fastlane by MJ
1) Press releases ... a great way to get FREE publicity. Because the cause is good and somewhat newsworthy, there is a good chance that it might be given airtime on major news outlets. If not, the release still might get picked up on news aggregators on other websites. The other benefit to good PR is you might get calls from media outlets that want to use your product in some sort of promotion (A cable TV cooking show for example)

2) Partner with websites that cater to your target market. Could be gourmet foods, chefs, recipe sites, or even charitable foundations. Obviously, the type of partner / joint-venture arrangement is dependent on your offer and what you are capable of supporting, tracking, and executing. It can be an extravagant arrangement involving revenue shares, product placement, or something as simple as link exchanges.

There are two entities you can approach -- 1) The product (jams, jellies) and 2) The good cause of helping disadvantaged children.

I think as you dive into marketing, you will see which entity approach provides you the most traction.

3) Traditional PPC campaigns targeting all your products specifically. I'd think that your keywords would be fairly cheap -- examples, "peanut butter jam" "amish family recipes" etc. When you start dabbling in the generic words "recipes" then things get quite costly and competitive.

4) Traditional SEO -- again, each product you offer should have its own page that specifically promotes that product. This will help your organic rankings for specific product searches which is how most people search.

5) Affiliate programs -- start your own affiliate program or join a management network. When your affiliates sell your product, you pay them a cut. To find affiliate networks that you can join, hit Google and type in "AffiliateNetworks". Do your diligence on these as they can get costly and some have affiliates that are just plain horrible.

6) Attempt to create a community whereas users can see the benefits of their work. As with all donations, people LOVE to see their money at work. If people don't see their money at work they are less likely to give. I know this is a content issue moreso marketing, but creating community generates traffic and buzz. Word-of-mouth is the best marketing tools available. Perhaps a "Children who have been helped" and their pictures and what kind of help they received.

7) Free giveaways - Promote a giveaway, a contest, or something and promote it on your site, your MySpace/Facebook pages etc. Perhaps a "Jam of the Month?" or a contest? Giveways are great -- just an example right here -- the daily visitors here spiked 40% when I offered D. Kennedy's FREE book. While the traffic spike might be temporary, it surely will increase quality users over the long haul which is the long-term goal. Contests can also be promoted via Press Release.

8) Post articles to article websites pertaining to either Amish Recipes or charitable causes. Allow users to DIGG them. Same goes for your own website.

Source: Fastlane by Andrew
I would suggest focusing on the public relations side and hitting it really hard. Ignore the advertising and SEO for now. Your business sells itself so you already have an edge. Build a contact list of journalists -- newspapers, magazines, cable news networks, local news networks, blogs, major web sites, and so on. Every single contact you make needs to be very focused and tailored to that specific individual. Look at previous work the reporter has written and figure out how to tie that into your first contact. Having the personalized approach is critical, and you will get responses, guaranteed.

PHP Header Location vs Header Refresh

This is very interesting tips about using PHP to do Redirect.

PHP Header with Location seem to redirect faster than using Refresh. Looks like Refresh will create the <meta> refresh tag and depends on the Browser to redirect. In FireFox, it will actually show a blank page before it redirects to destination page.

With Location option, it seems to redirect directly without showing the blank page.

header("Refresh:0;url=". $this->config->item('PF_HTTPS_ROOT') . '/member/signin/');

header('Location: ' . $this->config->item('PF_HTTPS_ROOT') . '/member/signin/', TRUE, 301);

Either ways, it will have a round trip between Server and Client's browser.