
"You've opened a new tab" annoyance on IE7

It's annoying to see the following page everytime I open a new tab window on IE7. Even after I check the "Don't show this page again" checkbox, it is still opening a new tab with this annoying "You've opened a new tab" tab.

How do I turn this off to just show my blank home page?

Open the registry by going to Start -> Run -> Type regedit
Look for the following registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing

Right click on the right window and open a new DWORD value.

Give the name "ShowTabsWelcome", and right click to modify the value. Make sure is shows 0.

Now open a new tab in IE7, the annoying "You've opened a new tab" page is gone!

Annoying start page in IE7

Recently, I did a spyware scan on my laptop, but found few annoying ActiveX Controls running under IE7. So I change the security setting in IE7 to stop most of the ActiveX Controls. However, I restart the IE7 browser and getting the annoying "Customize Your Settings" home page every time. Even I change the default home page to "about:blank", it still starts with the "RoundOnce" page from

I have no idea what this page does, but I believe that Microsoft is trying to guide the IE7 user to setup their IE7 and download new add-on from an non-Microsoft web sites. That looks weird!

After digging into the registry for IE7 and found a place to turn off the start-up page. Basically, it requires two registry key to do the magic.

Open Regedit and go to the following section.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
Look for the following two keys.

if they do not exist. Add them by right click mouse -> New -> DWORD Value as shown in the image below.

Modify the value and set the value to 1 for both DWORD values as the images below.

Restart your IE7 browser. The annoying Runonce page is gone!

Remove unwanted startup program under msconfig

Once a while, there are unwanted startuup items in MSConfig that need to be disabled or removed. For example, the Quick Button service (EabServr).

Open MSConfig, under the StartUp tab, I can see an entry of the EabServr is disabled. I would like to remove it totally from the registry.

If you look at the location of the entry, it says "SOFTWARE/....." It's actually under the registry under the following path.
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSCOnfig\Startupreg

As seen here.

It's simpliy just right click on the key "eabconfg.cpl", and choose to delete the entry.


  • MSSQL only support FETCH_MODE_ASSOC
  • $rs->EOF cause unlimited loop
  • Only the first select statement in the procedure are returned as query object
  • the rest of query are return as true array
  • You can only fetchRow once
  • text, ntext, image fields can not be local variables
  • index on datetime will not be used if date range is in the query select statement

The following features are not working in the linked server env.
  • @@IDENTITY insert won't return at all
  • SET ROWCOUNT 500 for insert/update/select
  • Need to use SET XACT_ABORT ON to be able to write to the linked server