
Watts Premier RO-Pure 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis System Problem Solved

Do you have Watts Premier RO-Pure 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis System in your house? If you have purchased the Watts Premier RO-Pure 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis System from Amazon or at local Costco, you probably already found out the system has some problems.

They are big problems, but they are annoying problems. Now I have the perfect solutions for the system and it has been running just fine in my house.

  1. The faucet keeps dripping as fast as 1 drop per second rate. 
  2. The system non-stop running for hours after just use half cup of water. 
  3. water came out behind the faucet base
Do you have any of this problem? Well. You will have the problem eventually. 

So here are my solutions for those problems. 

Fixed: MailChimp Success Message Missing With Conflict jQuery Issue

There is a problem with Mailchimp, when you use embed HTML code to show mailchimp subscription form on your website. The error message does show, but the successful or require email confirmation (double opt-in) message is missing.

This happens due to that jQuery library is loaded more than once in the page. For example, if you are running a WordPress blog (version 3.9.1 or later), the jQuery is loaded by the theme in most cases. The jQuery library may load more than twice, if you also install third-party plugin that is using jQuery or jQuery UI.

You can see the error in the browser debugger. "$ is not a function" at following line.
function mce_success_cb(resp){

It means $ isn't an object or function after the jQuery was loaded.

The easy solution is to add the following code after "function mce_success_cb(resp){"

jQuery(document).ready( function($) {

Remember to close the function call at the end of "function mce_success_cb(resp){" bracket.
